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Wharf Tavern Caravan Park

Stay alongside the Shropshire Union Canal

The Wharf Tavern
Market Drayton

01630 661226 or 07890 343651
Date & time from/to

From May 9th at 1pm to May 15th at 11am (6 nights)

You need to be a member of the Lunar Owners Club to join us on this rally.  It’s only £15 a year plus an initial £5 joining fee, so why not join us?

Number of nights = 6

Cost per night = £22

EHU included?  Yes

Toilets included?  Yes

Showers included? Yes

Maximum pitches available: 18

Payment & Deposit arrangements:None

Pay in full on arrival – no deposit needed

Hosts: Barbara & Nigel Hitchen

Co-hosts: Mavis & Mike & Green

Contact:  0161 820 2466

Planned programme

Free and easy rally along the side of the Shropshire Union canal. Nearby is the Market Town of Market Drayton famous for its ginger bread men, also within easy reach are Shrewsbury, Chester & Telford plus the RAF Aircraft Museum Cosford is close by.

A meal in the pub across the road from the site is organised.

Google Maps
Route to rally site and location details

From M6 Jcn 15.,follow A53 to Mkt Drayton – take the A529 towards Hinstock  & follow brown caravan site signs off to the left.

From M54 Jcn 3 Follow A41 North towards Whitchurch at turning for Hinstock take the A529 towards Mkt Drayton follow brown caravan site signs to the right.

Post Code


What 3 Words location

You need to be a member of the Lunar Owners Club to join us on this rally.  It’s only £15 a year plus an initial £5 joining fee, so why not join us?