Sorry!  This rally is now full but you can still join the waiting list! 

(Note, if you join us on this rally, that we can’t now offer tickets to the Thursford Spectacular with our group – you must book your tickets for the Spectacular yourself and you will probably be seated in a different seating area for the Show)


Fakenham Racecourse

...and visit the fabulous Thursford Spectacular!

Fakenham Racecourse
NR21 7NY

01328 862388
Date & time from/to

From November 12th at 2pm to November 18th at 11am (6 nights)

You need to be a member of the Lunar Owners Club to join us on this meeting.  It’s only £15 a year plus an initial £5 joining fee, so why not join us?

Number of nights = 6

Cost per night = £25

EHU included?  Yes

Toilets included?  Yes

Showers included? Yes

Maximum pitches available: 16

Payment & Deposit arrangements:

No deposit required Full payment required on arrival.

Toilet/Shower blocks work on electronic fob system – £10 deposit fully refunded on return of fob

Hosts: Cathy & Phil Butterworth

Co-hosts: Jenny & Keith Nicholls

Contact: 0161 820 2466

Planned programme

The main event for this meeting is a trip to the famous Thursford Spectacular!  If you have not already booked your tickets and would like to go to this fantastic event please contact the Hosts, Cathy & Phil a.s.a.p. to discuss how to get tickets.

We will also plan to hold our usual ‘Meet & Greet’ and ‘Au Revoir’ gatherings.

We’re doing a visit to Langham Glass, Greenway Lane, Fakenham. NR21 8ET Tel: 01328 863500 Email: (extra cost)

Then, a meal together at The Running Horse, Hawthorn Way, Fakenham, Norfolk, NR21 8SX 01328 864498

There are 28 of us going.

Google Maps
Route to rally site and location details

Fakenham Racecourse is clearly marked from the centre and outskirts of Fakenham.  Once at the racecourse, follow the “Lunar” signs for the caravan park.

Post Code

NR21 7NY

What 3 Words location


You need to be a member of the Lunar Owners Club to join us on this rally.  It’s only £15 a year plus an initial £5 joining fee, so why not join us?